172/46r2 172/46r 172/46- 172/46 172/45r2 172/45r 172/45- This is the context that caused this file to be matched in the Find command. 172/44r2 172/44r 172/44- This is the reason that the file belongs in this file list. 172/43r2 172/43r 172/43- This is the directory path of the item in the file list. 172/42r2 172/42r 172/42- 172/42 172/41r2 172/41r 172/41- 172/41 172/40r2 172/40r 172/40- Total percentage of disk storage space saved through compression of the items displayed. 172/39r2 172/39r The total of the compressed sizes is not displayed because no item is compressed. Total of the compressed sizes of the items displayed in the window. 172/38r2 172/38r 172/38- Total of the original sizes of the items displayed in the window. 172/37r2 172/37r 172/37- The total number of compressed or archived items. 172/36r2 172/36r 172/36- Indicates the total number of archived items displayed in the window. 172/35r2 172/35r 172/35- Indicates the total number of compressed items displayed in the window. 172/34r2 172/34r 172/34- 172/34 172/33r2 172/33r 172/33- 172/33 172/32r2 172/32r 172/32- 172/32 172/31r2 172/31r 172/31- 172/31 172/30r2 172/30r 172/30- 172/30 172/29r2 172/29r 172/29- 172/29 172/28r2 172/28r 172/28- 172/28 172/27r2 172/27r 172/27- 172/27 172/26r2 172/26r 172/26- 172/26 172/25r2 172/25r This column lists the date when items in the window were last changed or saved. Click this title to sort the items by date. This column lists the date when items in the window were last changed or saved. Click this title to sort the items by date. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/24r2 172/24r This column lists the labels attached to items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by label. This column lists the labels attached to items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by label. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/23r2 172/23r This column lists the type code of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by type code. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. This column lists the type code of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by type code. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/22r2 172/22r This column lists the creator code of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by creator code. This column lists the creator code of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by creator code. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/21r2 172/21r This column lists the compression status of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by compression status. This column lists the compression status of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items by compression status. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/20r2 172/20r This column lists the percentage of an item's disk storage space saved through compression. Click this title to sort the items by percentage saved. This column lists the percentage of an item's disk storage space saved through compression. Click this title to sort the items by percentage saved. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/19r2 172/19r This column lists the compressed size in kilobytes of the items in the window. Click this title to sort the items by compressed size. This column lists the compressed size in kilobytes of the items in the window. Click this title to sort the items by compressed size. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/18r2 172/18r This column lists the archived size in kilobytes of the items in the window. Click this title to sort the items by compressed size. This column lists the archived size in kilobytes of the items in the window. Click this title to sort the items by compressed size. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/17r2 172/17r This column lists the original size in kilobytes of the items in the window. Click this title to sort the items by original size. This column lists the original size in kilobytes of the items in the window. Click this title to sort the items by original size. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/16r2 172/16r This column list the names of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items in the window by name. This column list the names of items in this window. Click this title to sort the items in the window by name. The underline indicates that the items in this window are currently sorted by this title. 172/15r2 172/15r 172/15- 172/15 172/14r2 172/14r 172/14- This shows the last time the item was changed. 172/13r2 172/13r 172/13- This shows the last date the item was changed. 172/12r2 172/12r 172/12- This shows the label attached to the item. 172/11r2 172/11r The type code is not displayed. Only documents and applications have a type code. This shows the type code of the file. 172/10r2 172/10r The creator code is not displayed. Only documents and applications have a creator code. This shows the creator code of the file. 136/9r2 172/9r The item's compression status does not display because no compression operation has been performed on the item. The compression status of the item. 172/8r2 172/8r No percentage of savings is displayed because the item is not compressed or when compressed the savings were negligible. The percentage of savings of disk space the item uses after it is compressed. 172/7r2 172/7r The compressed size of the item is not displayed because the item is not compressed. The compressed size of the item. 172/6r2 172/6r The original size of the item is not being displayed. To display the size, click "Calculate folder sizes" in the General Settings control panel. Original size of each item. 172/5r2 172/5r 172/5- Name of the file, folder, or disk. 172/4r2 172/4r 172/4- File, folder, or disk icon. 172/3r2 172/3r 172/3- 172/3 172/2r2 172/2r 172/2- Scroll bar To scroll a little at a time, press one of the scroll arrows. To scroll by the windowful, click in the gray bar. To scroll to another part of the window, drag the scroll box. 172/1r2 172/1r 172/1- 172/1